A veteran team from Ilkley claimed victory in an extremely rare football match last Saturday.

Known as the Ilkley Town Super Veterans, the team, which consists of 45+ year-old players, defeated FC Moo Moos 2-1.

The opposition, FC Moo Moos, are a unique football institution. They are a group of amateur middle-aged British players of varying abilities who meet only once a year to play one game of football, somewhere in the world.

In previous years they have played in Iceland, Gran Canaria and Germany, but this year’s contest was played in Ilkley!

The FC Moo Moos team is made up of British players from all over the UK - travelling to Ilkley from as far as Scotland and Bristol – with the eldest player from the squad being aged 70.

To find out more about Ilkley’s opposition, CLICK HERE.