The Dalesmen travelled to the coast this week to face newly promoted Percy Park, who have made a significant impression on the league so far. The game proved to be a classic tale of two halves, unfortunately not in Ilkley's favour.

Ilkley kicked off and immediately regained possession. They displayed impressive attacking play, utilising the full width of the pitch and looking sharp.

Harry Harrison, who has been in excellent form this season, was tackled in the air, awarding Ilkley a penalty. Charles Morgan kicked for touch, giving Ilkley a line-out on the 22-meter line. A strong line-out led to a driving maul that was soon collapsed. Maplesden found Morgan, who passed wide to Harry Harrison. With space to attack, Harrison stepped outside and inside, then accelerated past a defender to dive over for a try. Morgan added the conversion. 7-0 to the visitors.

Ilkley continued their impressive attacking play on the right wing. Morgan attempted to find Aaron-Jones Bishop with a kick, but Bishop was narrowly beaten to the ball by the Percy Park fullback. Bishop was again found on the wing through some skilful passing. He attempted to dive over with two defenders holding onto him, but the referee ruled a knock-on.

Percy Park had a scrum just inside their own half, which resulted in a free kick. The Percy Park scrum-half quickly tapped and went and kicked deep into touch, earning a 50/22. The line-out throw went long, forcing Percy Park to scramble for the ball. A dominant tackle by Morgan, followed by Carpenter over the ball, quickly earned Ilkley a penalty. Morgan kicked the ball deep into the 22 for another Ilkley line-out.

A maul was formed but was illegally collapsed by Percy Park, resulting in a penalty. Maplesden went quickly and presented the ball to captain Lowes, who picked and went over the line. Morgan added the conversion again to put his side 14-0 ahead.

Ilkley maintained pressure on Percy Park, who struggled to find an answer to the excellent defence in front of them.

Ilkley had a chance to extend their lead with a penalty kick, but Morgan narrowly missed.

Percy Park were then awarded a penalty right in front of the goal posts. The Percy Park centre made no mistake and got them on the board.14-3.

Percy Park started the second half with a short kick. Pete Erskine gathered the ball and took a thunderous tackle from a Percy Park substitute. Maplesden kicked the ball to the sky, and Percy Park dropped it forward. Joe Lowes gathered and made a blistering carry down the middle of the pitch, drawing in four Percy Park defenders before finding Freddie Clarke, who burst through and scored under the sticks. Charles added the conversion. 21-3.

Percy Park then started to apply pressure and made a break through the middle with a big forward carry. They then tried their luck wide. A flurry of good attacking play saw their prop go through the Ilkley defensive line and score a try. The kick was not converted. 21-8 to the visitors.

Joe Lowes made way for James Colclough, and Callum Graham came off with a dead leg for Tom Dickinson.

Percy Park had a scrum centre field and went wide with their attack. Ilkley's discipline had slipped, with back-to-back penalties resulting in Max Jones being sent to the sin bin for 10 minutes. Scrum down was the call off the back of the penalty, and the Percy Park number eight picked off the back and scored a try. The kick went through, and Ilkley were now 21-15 ahead.

Both Ilkley and Percy Park had penalties but were unable to convert their kicks.

Another penalty against Ilkley allowed Percy Park to kick for touch. A driving maul was set up off the back of the line-out and was driven convincingly over the line. The kicker converted from wide, putting Percy Park in the lead for the first time in the game. 22-21

More attacking play came from Percy Park but was held out well by the Ilkley defence. Freddie Clarke and Ollie Ham were leading the front with their defensive efforts. An unfortunate penalty went against Ilkley, and Percy Park kicked for touch again on the right-hand side. A driving maul was again successful for Percy Park, who scored their last try of the game. The conversion was good. 29-21

Shortly after, the referee brought the game to an end, leaving Ilkley disappointed. There were many takeaways from the game for Ilkley to reflect on as they prepare to face Sandal at home next week.