At the end of September, The Whartons Primary School hosted an exciting Wildlife Day, in partnership with the local organisation Wildlife Friendly Otley.

The event aimed to connect students with nature while teaching them the importance of protecting and preserving local wildlife.

The day was filled with engaging activities that brought students outside to explore their amazing and wildlife-friendly school grounds. Children participated in bulb planting, wild flower seed spreading, habitat walks, and wildlife hunts, learning about the plants and animals that make their surroundings special.

One of the highlights of the day was a fascinating visit from a special guest who brought real bats to show the students. The children were captivated by the opportunity to see these nocturnal creatures up close and learn more about their vital role in the ecosystem.

Outdoor learning took centre stage, as students enjoyed discovering different habitats, identifying various plants and animals, and gaining hands-on experience in wildlife conservation.

A school spokesperson said: "The school extends a heartfelt thank you to Neil, Helen and Edwina from Wildlife Friendly Otley for their support in making the day a success, and to several local businesses for their generous contributions. Maggie Brown and the West Yorkshire bat group for bringing in some amazing bats for the children to learn about. Special thanks go to Otley Garden Centre for donating bulbs, Moss & Moor for providing seeds, and Lorraine Little for donating beautiful potted plants that will help further enhance the school’s natural spaces.

"The event was a fantastic success, sparking curiosity and a deeper appreciation for wildlife among the children while further cementing The Whartons Primary School’s commitment to fostering a love of nature in their students."