Despite championing workers’ rights and pioneering significant social reform, Elizabeth Garnett’s achievements have been largely forgotten – until now

Elizabeth Garnett, born Elizabeth Hart on 23 September 1839 in Otley, was a remarkable social reformer whose work with navvies was both visionary and ahead of its time.

Navvies, or labourers, played a crucial role in constructing the infrastructure of the 19th and early 20th centuries, particularly in the building of navigation canals, railways, and reservoirs.

Garnett recognised the urgent need to address the physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being of these workers. Her efforts not only provided immediate relief but also laid the groundwork for future social welfare initiatives, making her an important, though regrettably overlooked, figure in the history of social reform.

Garnett was born into a devout Anglican family; her father, Joshua Hart, served as the vicar of Otley from 1837 to 1865. Her upbringing instilled in her a strong commitment to faith and service. As a child, she absorbed her father's concern for the navvies working on the nearby Bramhope Tunnel, part of the Leeds to Thirsk railway line.

In July 1846, 400 men from the Leeds Thirsk railway marched in procession to Otley Parish Church for the funeral of a man who had died on his first morning of work. A few years later, on 10 June 1849, 10-year-old Garnett likely witnessed the consecration of the Navvies Memorial mausoleum in Otley Parish Church graveyard by her father.

Born into a society where women's roles were largely confined to the domestic sphere, and with limited access to higher education and professional opportunities, Garnett nevertheless dedicated her life to advocating for those with even fewer opportunities than herself.

Navvies were essential to the construction of infrastructure that powered the Industrial Revolution, yet they lived in deplorable conditions and were often exploited and neglected.

Typically housed in makeshift huts near construction sites, they faced long working hours, poor sanitation, and minimal access to healthcare. Their transient lifestyle made it difficult to establish stable communities or access education and spiritual guidance. Garnett recognised that these conditions affected not only the navvies' physical health but also their mental and emotional wellbeing.

Garnett’s journey into missionary work began under tragic circumstances. In 1861 she married Charles Garnett (1834–1862), an Anglican clergyman, but he died within a year of the marriage, while the couple were on their honeymoon.

Despite her personal loss, Garnett found renewed purpose when she encountered a navvy settlement at Lindley Wood in Wharfedale, just two miles north of Otley, where a reservoir was being constructed. Moved by the harsh conditions and spiritual neglect of the navvies, she established a Sunday school for navvy children in 1872 and eventually moved to the settlement, despite opposition from her family.

In 1875, Garnett founded the Christian Excavators’ Union, and in 1877 she co-founded the Navvy Mission Society with Reverend Lewis Moule Evans.

Garnett's work had a profound impact on the lives of navvies. She improved their living conditions and instilled a sense of community and self-worth. Her efforts were not only compassionate but also strategic, as she worked to change societal perceptions of navvies and highlight their contributions to industrial progress.

The only memorial for Elizabeth Garnett that exists is in Ripon Cathedral. Picture: Anthony Walker The only memorial for Elizabeth Garnett that exists is in Ripon Cathedral. Picture: Anthony Walker

Garnett, died in 1921 in Croydon. Her dedication to improving the living conditions of these labourers, coupled with her strategic approach to social change, made her a trailblazer in an era of industrial transformation.

Sadly if you were to ask most people in Otley about Garnett, they are likely to have no idea who she was. Yet ask them about Thomas Chippendale, born in Otley in 1718, they will have no difficulty in responding, and they are reminded about him constantly – there is a statue, several plaques, Chippendale swimming pool, Chippendale tearooms, and even a street named Chippendale Rise – there is no memorial for Garnett.

It is ironic that Garnett, who noted that navvies were often forgotten by society, has herself largely been forgotten. The only memorial that exists is in Ripon Cathedral. Hopefully, in the not-too-distant future, this oversight will be rectified and there will be a memorial in Otley

* Anthony Walker has made an application to Leeds Civic Trust to nominate Elizabeth Garnett for a Blue Plaque. He has received letters of support from the CIOB, Otley Town Council and Railways Heritage Trust to be submitted with the application.

If the application is successful, he will share details and seek support to raise £850 which is the cost of the Blue Plaque. If you are interested in supporting the Blue Plaque, please contact him via LinkedIn: