LEEDS City Council has published the legal notice which will allow them to charge for parking on Otley Chevin.

Charges will apply to the following car parks: Yorkgate car park; Surprise View car park; East Chevin Quarry car park; Upper and Lower Shaw Field car parks.

Charges will apply on all days between 8am and 8pm and will be: £1 up to two hours; £2.50 for up to four hours; £4 for up to 12 hours; season tickets £10 per calendar month or £80 per annum; no charge for Disabled Persons Badge Holders.

Full details of the proposals together with plans showing the affected lengths of highway and statement of reasons for making the Order are available on request by e-mailing the address below. If you wish to object to, or make any representations concerning the proposed Order, you should write to Climate, Energy and Green Spaces, Leeds City Council, Farnley Hall, Hall Lane, Leeds, LS12 5HA or email chevin.parking@leeds.gov.uk specifying the grounds on which your objection or representation is made, by no later than October 10, 2024.

Otley and Yeadon councillors Colin Campbell, Ryk Downes and Sandy Lay had objected to the plan to charge for parking and say they regret this latest news.

"The Chevin was in part given to the local community and in part purchased by the Old Urban District Council," said Cllr Campbell. "Those former Councillors regarded it as a free asset for everyone to enjoy and the idea of, in effect, charging people a £1 for two hours of fresh air would have been totally alien to them."

"Leeds have been quick to publish the charges," said Cllr Downes, "but we still have no indication when they might resurface and improve the car parks. Currently many are in a dangerous condition."

"We strongly oppose the idea of charging," said Cllr Lay. "It goes against all current thinking and Council's own policy which should be encouraging residents to get out into the countryside not charging them every time they take the dog for a walk. We are encouraging residents to once again make their feelings known to Leeds and hope that we still might be able to persuade them to change their mind."