LOCAL MP Robbie Moore has celebrated farmers and growers from across the region in support of Back British Farming Day.

The day is an opportunity to champion all that British farmers and growers do for the nation and people have ranked the job farmers do as second only to nurses – including producing food for our three meals a day, caring for the countryside, delivering renewable energy and providing jobs for rural communities.

Agriculture plays its part in the regional economy in West Yorkshire and farms on the urban fringe play an important role in connecting urban populations to where their food comes from.

More than 4,029 people work on around 1,861 farms in West Yorkshire in Bradford, Calderdale, Kirklees, Leeds and Wakefield.

These farms generate £82 million to the regional economy not including the contribution made by those working in allied industries and the wider food and drink sector in cities and towns across the region. Food and drink is the UK’s largest manufacturing sector – contributing more than £148 billion to the economy and employing more than four million people.

West Yorkshire farmers and growers also manage around 238,155 acres of farmland.

Robbie Moore MP said: “Before becoming an MP, my whole life was involved in agriculture and I know just how hard our farmers work day in day out to put high quality food produce on our table.

"It’s important to remember that our countryside looks as it does now because of the farmers and rural communities who have managed it over generations – all whilst producing high-quality food for the nation.

"In a time of uncertainty and increasing pressure to diversify rather than farm, now more than ever does the food producer need our backing. And that starts with recognising that it’s not politicians down in Westminster, but hard-working farmers, food producers and rural businesses who know best.

"So whether it's on September days like today or during those dark winter months, this back British farming day I want to say a huge thank you to all of our farming community and beyond.”

The NFU commissioned OnePoll to survey 2,000 adults in England & Wales between 3 and 9 May 2024. It showed 74% of the public have a favourable view of farmers and growers.

The NFU’s annual Back British Farming Day campaign takes place on Wednesday, September 11.