AS part of its 50th anniversary Ilkley Good Neighbours is launching a series of events aimed at raising £50,000 towards its key projects which help the vulnerable and isolated living in the community.

The first two events are scheduled in September and include a marathon walk and a special quiz night.

The walk is the idea of trustee Sheila Mahon, who will be attempting 50 laps of Ilkley Tarn to coincide with the charity’s half century. She joined the trustees board in 2023 and has a history of charity work.

“The idea came about when my colleagues and I were discussing ways of raising funds that could help us continue the essential work we do in the community,” said Sheila. “ I’m an 82-year-old who walks with a couple of sticks to support a bad back, but decided to take on the task of walking 50 times around the tarn. I have been training most days, walking for two to three miles around Ilkley and I now feel ready to take it on. Hopefully people have spotted me wearing my Good Neighbours sash and will come and watch me attempt this challenge.”

Sheila’s 50-lap sponsored walk will be completed over 5 consecutive days, starting on Monday, September 9.

“I’ve already managed to raise £900 thus far and I hope people will come and watch me take on this novel feat and support Good Neighbours and its wonderful staff by contributing whatever they can," she added.

If you would like to donate visit

The second fund-raising event involves mental rather than physical ability – a quiz night specially hosted by a new local Ilkley restaurant on behalf of the charity. Vitello’s in Brook Street will open its doors for a Good Neighbours Big Quiz Night to be held on Tuesday, September 17 at 7pm with the proceeds from contributions going to the charity. Entry will be a donation of £10 per person and up to six people can come along as a group to be put into teams. To register a team or for further information email:

“We’re delighted to be holding this event with the help of Vitello,” said the charity’s Chairman Ed Duguid. “People love quizzes and when we discussed ways of raising essential finance in our 50th year we thought this might be an enjoyable way of providing an evening’s entertainment and at the same time help us continue to fund our important key projects, from Shop Assist to the Befriending Friendship Group, and the several other areas where we help local individuals.

“Charities do need support in these difficult financial times and both of these events will hopefully assist us going forward in our important work helping people cope with the challenges of life today. We will be planning more events in the months ahead so watch this space.”

To be involved in either event and to make a contribution visit