AS school broke up for the summer and families headed off for their summer break, kind-hearted staff at the Otley-based Collaborative Learning Trust responded to an appeal from their CEO, Janet Sheriff, for donations to a very special cause in Tanzania.

Janet and her husband Richard are visiting Tanzania this summer and discovered that the Ngare Sero Mountain Lodge, where they are beginning their journey, works with Pack for Purpose, a non-profit organisation which partners with local communities to help travellers say thank you to locals by donating goods, based on the needs identified by those communities themselves.

As soon as Janet’s colleagues at the Collaborative Learning Trust central offices heard about the scheme, they donated colouring books, stationery supplies, hair bobbles and more to the children who live in the Precious Orphans Children’s Home or attend the Precious English Medium Primary School.

Tracey Dickinson with the donations Tracey Dickinson with the donations

Tracey Dickinson, HR Assistant said: “When Janet mentioned to us that she was travelling to a community which had this scheme in place it was lovely to be able to help make a genuine contribution to that community. Working in an educational trust in the UK, we always want to support our schools and their communities, so to be able to extend that collaboration across the world is very special."

Janet Sheriff said: “I was overwhelmed by the support of my colleagues when we found out about the scheme. I can’t thank them enough for their contributions. It is typical of our lovely central team that they immediately donated to the children.”

Pack for Purposes’ mission is to positively impact communities around the world by assisting travellers who want to take meaningful contributions to the destinations they visit.

In 2010, Nshupu schoolteachers William and Sarah Modest founded the Precious Orphans Children’s Home, to help those orphaned by AIDS. In 2012, the non-profit, Precious Project, was formed. Together they expanded the Children’s Home which now houses 23 children who live together with caring adults as a loving family.

In 2016, Precious Project opened the Precious English Medium Primary School, which has 250 students enrolled from pre-kindergarten through the seventh grade. Scholarships allow the most vulnerable children to attend the school for free. Precious Project also assists village women to organize micro-credit groups to start businesses and provide for their families.