ILKLEY Town Council has been busy inviting representatives from Ilkley primary school councils to visit Ilkley Town Council and Town Hall.

All Saints' Primary School at Ilkley Town Hall All Saints' Primary School at Ilkley Town Hall

This is the second year these visits have been held and the Town Council is delighted with the positive response from students who attended and for the enthusiasm and commitment shown by teaching staff, without whom the project could not have gone ahead.

The Youth Engagement project aims to inform students about the role of Ilkley Town Council and councillors, the etiquette expected during council meetings and about how the council works with and supports community groups in Ilkley.

Ashlands Primary School's school council at Ilkley Town Hall Ashlands Primary School's school council at Ilkley Town Hall

A spokesperson for Ilkley Town Council said: "We want to ensure that the communication networks already established between Ilkley school councils and Ilkley Town Council are reinforced and strengthened.

"An important role of the council is to engage with all Ilkley residents including young people – all young people have a right to be listened to in our community, but so often they feel they do not have a voice. The Youth Engagement project therefore look for ways in which young people can be considered when decisions are made by the council."

Moorfield School at Ilkley Town Council Moorfield School at Ilkley Town Council

Students visiting the council participated in an interactive quiz identifying points of interest in the council chamber, followed by presentations from Councillors Catherine Cheater, Linda Brown, Jane Gibson and Harry Burns about some of the community projects supported by the council, including Darwin Gardens, the allotments and the twinning group which supports Ilkley’s twinning relationship with Coutances in France.

The students then held their own school council meeting in the council chamber to discuss some of the issues brought to their attention as school councillors such as how to create a healthier school, school lunches, length of play time and fund raising.

As part of the project, Ilkley Town Councillors also visit Ilkley schools to meet with school council representatives to talk about their role as school councillors and about the role of town councillors.

Sacred Heart School Council Sacred Heart School Council

The town council spokesperson added: "This year, it has not possible to involve Ilkley Grammar School in our project, but we hope to do so next year.

"The Council is grateful to the pupils and staff of Ilkley primary schools for participating in this Town Council Youth Engagement project."