AWARD-winning historical crime writer Bridget Walsh will be at The Grove Bookshop in Ilkley on Wednesday, July 17 to talk about her new book, The Innocents.

The book is a follow-up to The Tumbling Girl which has been shortlisted for a Crime Writers' Association New Blood Dagger.

The Variety Palace Music Hall is in trouble, due in no small part to a gruesome spate of murders that unfolded around it a few months previously.

Between writing, managing the music hall and trying to dissuade her boss from installing a water tank in the building, Minnie Ward has her hands full. Her complicated relationship with detective Albert Easterbrook doesn’t even bear thinking about.

But when a new string of murders tears through London, Minnie and Albert are thrown together once more. Strangely, the crimes seem to link back to a tragedy that took place 14 years ago, leaving 183 children dead.

And given that the incident touched so many people’s lives, everyone is a suspect.

The event is at 7pm on July 17 and tickets are £7 from the Grove Bookshop at 10 The Grove, Ilkley, LS29 9EG, tel: 01943 609335, email: