THE Friends of Ilkley Moor volunteers and Bradford Countryside Service staff have been hard at work repairing the steps that lead up from the Rocky Valley to the top of the moor.

The steps mark the start of ‘Dick Hudson’s Path’ and were probably first made about 100 years ago. They have fallen into disrepair, and renewing them has been a long term ambition for the Friends of Ilkley Moor. It is anticipated they will be completed in two weeks.

FoIM calculate its volunteers have so far carried, by hand in buckets, between two and three tonnes of hard core up the steps.

Owen Wells, Chair of FoIM said: "We are proud that, at last we have been able to achieve one of our long term ambitions, to repair the steps onto the Dick Hudson’s path. Footpath repair and restoration is one of our most important tasks on the Moor. We are lucky to have a team of experienced and hard working volunteers to help us with our work."