THE sixth annual Aireborough Beer Festival took place from Thursday, June 13 to Saturday, June 15 at Guiseley Theatre.

A spokesperson said: "It proved that our tripartite group and committee of Aireborough Rotary Club, Guiseley Theatre and Rawdon St Peter's Parish Church had it right all along and that drink and music certainly went well together in this case.

"The beer and cider choices certainly pleased the attendees with almost half the selection selling out by the end of the six sessions and the Prosecco, gin and rum proving welcome alternatives for many clients. There were also plenty of customers for the parish church-run food stall and Burger X street food van.

"This time our very own impresario John Kitching came up with seven different entertainers and groups, with something to please for everyone and certainly making variety the spice of life. Sam Hutchinson and Nigel Passey confidently set the ball rolling on Thursday with their group Hot Liquor Tank kicking things off in style. Sam Hutchinson returned on Friday evening for a well received solo slot, followed by Purple Bananas and The Resistance who shone as we rocked the night away. Saturday was hectic with Cornell Daley introducing Bradley Symonds who collaborated on their main influences in the afternoon. Saturday night was time for the local community and produced a regularly changing audience including enthusiastic friends and relatives. It began with Melody Reed’s Music Box Inspiring Voices giving opportunities for people of all ages and backgrounds to sing play and perform including a number of younger members performing as soloists. LS18 Rocks live performance school then took over. The talented teenagers of rock band Oracle stormed their way through their set followed by seven piece combo cover band Re-Boot ending a fun-filled evening in style.

(Image: submitted)

"The organisers are very grateful to all our sponsors, advertisers and volunteers, (including ‘the Heavy Mob’, who all together ensured that this Festival was even more successful than the last raising over £6,500 to be equally shared three ways. Bookings online provided a great foundation but augmented by all those patrons who crowded through the doors to enjoy a typical Aireborough Beer Festival we say a heartfelt thanks and see you next year. You know we will ensure your contributions will be very reliably spent."