Addingham Village Social Club and Ilkley Bowling Club will compete in a charity cricket match at Ilkley Cricket Club on Sunday, July 7.

There will be pre match drinks from noon and the match starts at 2pm. The will be a bar and barbecue.

Manager of Addingham Social Club Sara Mortimer said: "We have done the same competition over the last few years with Addingham taking home the trophy last year.

"Any monies raised by Addingham Social Club will be donated to Take Heart, a charity that supports coronary care across local hospitals and West Riding Kidney Patient Association which helps to support renal patients in the local area.

"We are raising money in the name of one of our members Alyson Symons who sadly passed away on May 8 this year. Alyson was only 45years old and after contracting covid/pneumonia was admitted to hospital in January. Alyson had already had two kidney transplants within her short life, donated firstly by her dad David and the second by her mum Joyce. Alyson sadly became very poorly while in hospital and ended up in kidney failure, she then also needed a heart valve replacement which she received at Leeds General Infirmary where she received care until her final days where she passed away peacefully.

"Addingham Social Club would like to thank all our sponsors for their contributions towards match shirts and donations to the two charities. We will have collection buckets around the ground on the day, if you would like to make a donation. You can also go onto the Take Heart website at or find The West Riding Kidney Patient Association on Facebook.

"Please come down and support us. It’s a great day."

There will be a rematch at Addingham Cricket Club on August 18.