Would you like to take your family to a relaxed classical concert? Would you like to learn more about the music being played? If you play a stringed instrument, would you like to join in? If not, would you or your children like to have a chance to try an instrument out?

If so then come along to the Wharfedale Chamber Ensemble Family Concert which takes place on Sunday, July 14 at 4pm in Burley-in-Wharfedale Methodist Church.

The Wharfedale Chamber Ensemble, which has built a reputation for giving fun and interesting short family concerts in Burley during the last eight years, is giving its annual longer Family Concert conducted by Skipton Camerata’s Ben Crick.

The music in this special concert will be brought to life for music lovers and those new to classical music with explanations and points to listen out for by the conductor.

The programme of popular classics includes movements from Mozart’s Divertimento in D major, Elgar’s Introduction and Allegro, Bach’s Brandenberg Concerto No. 6 and Arensky’s Variation on a Theme by Tchaikovsky.

If you play a stringed instrument you can join with the orchestra to play Hall of the Mountain King by Greig with parts for all levels (open string, easy and advanced) provided. There will also be an opportunity for children and adults to have a try on any of the instruments in the concert (in full and smaller sizes), with members of the orchestra giving help and advice.

Maybe you or your children will be inspired to learn! The concert will last about an hour with a short interval.

Contact Clare for copies of ‘Hall of the Mountain King’ and tickets at certuition@gmail.com or 07928485322.

Adults £6, under 19s £4.