A GALA organ recital will take place next week at St Margaret's Church in Ilkley to celebrate the 90th birthday of Edward Scott - a beloved figure in the music community.

On Friday, July 5 at 12.30pm Edward will be joined by Anthony Gray, Director of Music at St Wilfred’s, Harrogate (and Assistant Director of Music at Bradford Cathedral) and Christopher Rathbone, Director of Music at St. Margaret’s to showcase a rich and diverse programme of organ music.

The recital will commence with a prelude composed by Anthony Gray, inspired by the thoughts and writings of Thomas Aquinas and recently premiered in Southwark Cathedral by Simon Hogan. Following this, Edward Scott will perform Thalben-Ball's "Tune in E" and a beautiful Bach prelude from the Leipzig ‘Eighteen’ Chorale Preludes.

Christopher Rathbone will present his own "Variations on ‘All my hope’," composed specifically for this occasion, and Bach's monumental "St Anne" fugue. The recital will conclude with Duruflé's stirring "Choral Varié."

Edward Scott has been an integral part of St Margaret’s musical heritage, serving as Acting Director of Music twice and significantly contributing to our community's musical life. He was previously Director of Music at Ermysted’s School and Holy Trinity Church in Skipton.

Christopher Rathbone said: “It is a great pleasure for us at St Margaret’s to honour Edward, a much loved figure on this significant birthday.”

The organ recital will be followed by a celebratory light lunch in the Parish Hall. All are welcome. Please email Isobel Rathbone if you intend to come to lunch, by email (isobel.rathbone@gmail.com) or telephone (01756 711 118).

The recital is free to attend, and all are welcome. Donations to support the Music Fund and the choir are appreciated.

ORGAN RECITAL: Date: Friday, July 5, 2024; Time: 12:30 pm; Location: St Margaret’s Church, Ilkley LS29 9QL.