A FAMILY fun cycling event is set to take place on Sunday, June 30 from 10am to 3pm at Garnetts Field, close to the River Wharfe, in Otley.

This free event is organised by Otley Town Council with partners Otley Cycling Club and Chevin Cycles.

Children aged three to 12-years-old can test their skills on a specially designed cyclocross grass course, safely away from roads. Parents can try out E-bikes on an easy route across the flat field.

There will be short, guided rides on quiet safer cycling routes around Otley in small groups. Helmets are compulsory. Police bike marking will be available.

There will be fun for all ages in the activity tent making models using ‘wotsits’ and there will be a Hula Hoop workshop between 11am and 2pm. Feel free to bring a packed lunch as there is plenty of space for a picnic. There will an ice cream van.