ONE of the parents of Rose O'Leary-Hall, who tragically lost her life last year after a long battle against serious illness, is running the Leeds 10K race to raise money for an online library set up in the little girl's name.

Sue O'Leary-Hall, of Pool-in-Wharfedale, is running the race this weekend along with friends and cheered on by her partner, and Rose's other parent, Katie.

Rose was born with a rare heart condition in 2019 and underwent several operations and rounds of gruelling treatment before she sadly died the day before she should have started school last September.

She was treated at the Paediatric Intensive Care Unit at Leeds General Infirmary and Sue and Katie have set up Rose's Library to provide digital books for children and their families undergoing treatment and hospital stays in the unit.

Sue, along with friends Colette, Susannah and Jane, is doing the 10K to raise money to purchase more books and expand the service.

Sue said: "In a moment of madness back in January, I signed up for the Leeds 10k, thinking that the June 23rd was miles away! Plenty of time to get in shape and become a proper runner...

"And I'm half a stone heavier and even less fit than when I signed up. So I'm probably going to have to walk most of it - not quite the Usain Bolt vision that I had imagined!!

"Thankfully, our lovely friends, Collette and Susannah, have done a much better job with their training so I'll be trailing in their wake!

"And thankfully, our ace mate, Jane is going to take one for #teamrose and walk it with me."

Sue said the run will be extremely emotional as the route goes past Leeds General Infirmary.

She said: "This is the the place where Rose's journey started and ended. The place which gave us four incredible years with the little girl who was only expected to live three or four days. The staff in PICU at LGI are the best of the best - our absolute Top Gun team. They gave our girl everything they had and we will be forever grateful beyond any words which I can express here"

Donations can be made at the JustGiving page

Sue added: "If you can spare a couple of quid, that would be brilliant and thank you so much.

"And if money's tight this month and you're not able to donate, please cheer us all on from wherever you are and know that Rose is cheering with you."