A FORMAL ceremony of commemoration was held at the Memorial Gardens in Bramhope on Thursday, June 6 to mark the 80th anniversary of the D-Day landings.

The flag specially designed for the 80th anniversary celebrations flew proudly over the proceedings.

The service was conducted by the Reverend Matt Broughton, Vicar of St Giles, Bramhope. The wording of the prayers and the content of the service was specially designed for this unique event.

The service began with prayers that focused on the events of D-Day, paying tribute to the bravery of those who fought in Operation Overlord and those who lost their lives, and moving on to a broader call to defend human liberty and live peaceably with one another.

Wreaths were then laid by members of the Royal British Legion.

At 11am the two minutes silence was kept and then followed the reading of the moving poem “Normandy” by Cyril Crain, a veteran of the landing at Juno Beach.

There were further prayers for the armed forces and for peace around the world.

The service concluded with the Lords Prayer in which everyone present joined: the representatives of the Royal British Legion, Parish Councillors and members of the public.