THE Rotary Club of Ilkley Wharfedale’s International Division organised a concert given by the Steeton Male Voice Choir the proceeds from which enabled the club to donate £1,500 to the Ilkley-based charity Give a Child a Hope.

The charity supports the Revival Centre in Matugga, Uganda and Debbie Walker accompanied by Mary Booluck, as trustees of the charity, accepted the cheque at a recent meeting of the club.

The charity was established when Roger Fry, a retired Minister and now member of the congregation at St John’s Church, Ben Rhydding went out on a mission to Uganda nearly 25 years ago. Roger was hosted by Ivan Lugoloobi, a young local pastor, who shared his vision as a churchman to help the poorest in the community, and this is how the Matugga Revival Centre began.

Starting as a primary school for 30 children the school has grown to accommodate up to 800 children in the senior and junior schools and nursery.

The Revival Centre is run by Bishop Ivan Lugoloobi and his wife, Allen Ssekindi Lugoloobi and the site constitutes a church, a nursery, a clinic, a farm growing produce.

Many families in Uganda cannot afford to send their children to school and many children are orphans so this is where the charity Give a Child a Hope comes into play, working in partnership with the Revival Centre. All the pupils are educated to a very high standard and the quality of the education is taken very seriously.

The current project is to replace the senior girls’ toilets/washroom. The current toilet block was built on a composting basis which has outgrown its usefulness and is not fit for purpose any more. With the money raised by the Rotary Club of Ilkley Wharfedale as well as some other grants and fund raising, the money required for this is virtually in place. A company is set to install bio-digesters and pipework which will form a crucial element of the toilets. The aim is to get a toilet block to a standard suitable for teenage girls which will guarantee their dignity and a healthy environment for many years to come.

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