THE Ladies’ President and Ladies’ Captain of Horsforth Golf Club have jointly chosen Cancer Research UK as their charity for the year, after cancer has touched both their lives.

Ladies’ President at the Club, on Layton Rise, is Jane Fernandes, 68, who has supported Cancer Research UK since 1997 when her nephew, Andrew Shippey, was diagnosed with testicular aged just 18.

His cancer had spread, and he was seriously ill, but thanks to doctors offering a new experimental treatment, Andrew, now 45, is in full health. He is also a proud dad to Toby, 13, and Evie, 5, after he thought he would never be able to have children because of cancer.

And just three years ago she was diagnosed with cancer herself. Jane, who is a retired Deputy Head teacher and lives in Yeadon, said: ‘I’d had a mole on my ankle bone for some time but hadn’t taken much notice of it. I’d used a sunbed a lot when I was younger and went on regular holidays to the sun.

“It wasn’t till I met up with a friend in the summer after covid, who I hadn’t seen for some time, that she noticed straight away that my mole had changed and got bigger. Thankfully, I went to get it checked out and tests showed it was a malignant melanoma, the most serious type of skin cancer. It was such a shock. I remembered getting burnt there years ago and it took all that time to change. I had surgery to remove the mole, and then further surgery to take a wider area of tissue around it as a precaution. Now I just go for regular check-ups.

“Joining up with Cancer Research UK not only means Horsforth Golf Club Ladies can support their research, but we can also help raise awareness of cancer, including providing information on how to play safely in the sun and to check for symptoms of skin cancer.”

Ladies’ Captain, Sharon Ingham, 60, who lives in Rawdon with husband Andy, a fellow member of the golf club, had no hesitation in joining Jane in choosing Cancer Research UK as her charity. She has also been treated for skin cancer – basal cell carcinoma – and has had several lesions removed from her head and forehead in the last five years.

Sharon, a retired Licensed Conveyancer, has been a member of Horsforth Golf Club for nearly six years and plays twice a week. She said: “It was a real honour to be asked to be Ladies’ Captain. As soon as Jane said she was having Cancer Research UK as her charity, I felt it should be mine too. Not only has cancer touched me, but I know many at the club have also been affected by the disease. It is good to know that together, we can make a difference to others.”

The two have planned a calendar of events for the year, including Captain’s Day in July and President’s Day in August, a Captain v President competition. They will also help and fundraise at the club’s annual Ladies Invitation and Ladies’ Open days..

But their fundraising won’t be limited to being out on the course. They will also have social events such as a monthly Card Afternoon, table top sales, Cake and Coffee afternoons and even a Gin Bingo night.

Jane and Sharon are joined by 50 lady members at the Club, which has a total membership of around 600.

So far, they have raised over £500, including £100 each from selling their privileged parking spots.

By the end of their year, they hope to raise at least £3,000 for Cancer Research UK, as well as raise awareness of research and cancer symptoms with the members.

Horsforth Golf Club Ladies' President Jane Fernandez (L) and Captain Sharon Ingham Horsforth Golf Club Ladies' President Jane Fernandez (L) and Captain Sharon Ingham (Image: submitted)

Kathryn Leverett, Cancer Research UK Relationship Manager, said: “We are so grateful to Jane and Sharon – and all the members of Horsforth Golf Club – for supporting Cancer Research UK during their tenure as Ladies’ President and Captain. They have a fantastic programme of fundraising events planned, both on the course and in the clubhouse.

“Life-saving research already helps people living with cancer every single day. It’s thanks to our supporters who fundraise, like Jane and Sharon, that we can go further to discover new ways to beat the disease and create a future where everybody can live longer, better lives, free from the fear of cancer.

“If any other golfers would like to follow their course, visit .

To support Horsforth Ladies, visit

Kathryn also gives helpful advice about how to reduce your risk of skin cancer. “Remember, no matter where you are, whether at home, on holiday or on the golf course, it’s important to protect yourself from the sun. The sun is often strong enough to cause damage in the UK between mid-March and mid-October, even when it’s cold or cloudy. By using these three steps together, you can protect your skin and enjoy the sun safely.

• Spend time in the shade, especially between 11am and 3pm in the UK.

• Cover up with clothes, a wide-brimmed hat and UV protection sunglasses.

• Apply sunscreen with at least SPF 30 and 4 or 5 stars. Use it generously, reapply regularly and use together with shade and clothing.

For more information on sun safely visit

For more information about Horsforth Golf Club visit