Burley-in-Wharfedale Cricket Club’s first ever beer festival took place over the late May bank holiday weekend.

It was a big success despite some interesting weather, raising much needed funds for the club.

Members and non-members came from far and wide and all commented on the great selection of beers available.

A spokesperson for the club said: "The hard work of the organising committee, plus others who backed-up (pardon the cricket pun!), paid off and there was a cracking selection of over 20 beers to choose from, including Ilkley, Wharfedale, Bini Brew Co, Vocation, Brew York, Craven Brew, Kirkstall, North Brewery and Moorhouse’s.

"Many thanks go to the Ilkley Roundtable for the bar, pumps and racking, the Ilkley Carnival Committee for lending out their marquees, Ilkley Brewery, Bini Brew Co. and Wharfedale Brewery for the loan of various equipment and Arundel's Butchers in Wilsden who supplied fantastic food.

"Thanks also to the four sponsors – Arundel Travel (club sponsor), Ison Harrison Solicitors, Dale Eddison and Craven Building Contractors Ltd, who were pleased to be able to support the event."

Helen Parry of Arundel Travel said: “It was a real honour to sponsor the event. It was fantastic to attend the event on Friday evening and to see the festival come to life. Everything was so well organised and there was a great selection of craft ales to choose from. The cricket club is a great venue and as always there was a friendly atmosphere and it was lovely to see how much support from the local community there was. Looking forward already to next year’s Beer Festival.”

Chris Waddingham, Partner and Head of Commercial Property at Ison Harrison said: “Being at the heart of the communities where we have branches is important to us and Wharfedale is an important area as we have branches in Ilkley, Otley and Guiseley. Sponsoring the beer festival in Burley-in-Wharfedale provided us with the opportunity to mingle with the locals and a good night was had by all.”

Will Crowther, branch manager at Dale Eddison added: “Dale Eddison are proud to have sponsored this wonderful evening, enjoying great company and the fantastic beers, this is one event that I would recommend.”