A SELECTION of postcard-sized art with the theme of ‘Passage’, will be for sale by secret auction on Friday, June 7 from 6.30pm - 8.30pm, Saturday, June 8, 10am - 4pm and Sunday, June 9 10am - 4pm.

The exhibition will be held in the Ilkley Arts Studio in Castle Yard, Ilkley (next door to the Manor House).

This will be the third secret postcard event run by Ilkley Arts who have raised over £4000 over the last two exhibitions, split between itself and Wharfedale Refugee Response. This year local independent business’ have donated postcards towards this great cause together with a wide range of professional and established artists from around the UK and students from Art School Ilkley.

Each postcard will have a number. Those that want to place a bid fill in a bidding slip with the number of the postcard they want to bid on, the amount they want to pay for it and their contact details. When the bid is made the price will be displayed next to the postcard, so viewers know that they need to bid higher if they want that particular piece of art. There is no online bidding - you have to be at the exhibition to see what the highest bid is.

The highest bid wins at 4pm on the Sunday and the artist who created the postcard will be revealed.

A list of postcard creators will be on display at the exhibition but no one will know which card belongs to whom.

Wharfedale Refugee Response’s vision is that refugees and asylum seekers will be welcome in the UK. They will get justice, live free of poverty and be able to successfully rebuild their lives.

Ilkley Arts is a registered charity whose mission is to promote and celebrate the arts in Ilkley and surrounding areas to enrich the lives of residents and visitors.