Skipton Choral Society is running free summer music workshops in June and July for anyone interested in singing.

They will run on Monday evenings in Christ Church, Skipton, from 7pm.

Each workshop will be different: Sacred choruses on June 3 (Bach, Fauré and Haydn); Will Todd Passion Music on June 10 and OUP Encores for Choirs on June 17 (Name that Tune, Londonderry Air and Tequila Samba); June 24 and July 1 will focus on parts of Brahms' Requiem (singing in English) and culminate in an informal recital with extra pianist and soloists.

A spokesperson said: "Come to them all or just pick the ones you fancy - there's something for everyone. We’ll be serving refreshments after the workshops, too.

"It's a fantastic opportunity to come and dip a toe into singing some fabulous music with a friendly group of people in a great venue - and all for free! We all know now how singing together is really good for mental wellbeing - and this is a pretty stress-free way of enjoying yourself! Whether you sang in a choir a long time ago and enjoyed it, or you've never sung in a choir and you fancy a go, you'll be very welcome!

"It would be helpful if you could let us know when you plan to come - email - but if you just want to turn up on the day, that's fine too! We're really looking forward to meeting you and singing with you."