A NEW Active Travel Hub has been launched in Ilkley.

Climate Action Ilkley announced the new project - Ilkley Active Travel Hub - this week.

The new community active travel hub has been established after Climate Action Ilkley successfully secured grant funding from West Yorkshire Combined Authority.

The project has launched a new website which contains information on self-guided walks and rides as well as numerous local groups offering social walks and rides that people can join.

They are also offering a four-week e-bike loan scheme to enable people to try out an e-bike over an extended trial. People can register interest for this on the website.

The project is collaborating with Wharfedale Airedale and Craven Alliance (WACA) who provide a social prescribing service in local GP surgeries in order to offer advice and support to patients on local walking and cycling options.  The project will expand and develop over the next year. People can also request one to one support or group support via Ilkley's Active Travel Coordinator, Hayley Beasley-Dye, who can advise on activities to suit different needs and preferences.

Hayley said: “The Ilkley active travel hub is a great way to get the people of Ilkley out and about and become more active. Plus there is the potential of socialising more through all the active groups that Ilkley has to offer.

"Come and say hello to us when we have stands at community events - we’ll be at the Real Food Market on 2nd July.”

The hub in Ilkley has been made possible by a £50,000 grant funding from the West Yorkshire Combined Authority as part of a wider programme of active travel hubs to support more people to walk, wheel and cycle.

Tracy Brabin, Mayor of West Yorkshire said: “Making it easier to walk and cycle is a vital part of our mission to improve our health and wellbeing and tackle the climate emergency.

“That’s why I’m delighted to support organisations such as the Ilkley Hub, who are doing great work in our communities and encouraging people to make healthier choices.”

For more information about what is on offer visit: www.activeilkley.org.uk and follow them on Facebook and Instagram: @activeilkley