In the 1970s Yorkshire was at the center of news that shocked the nation when serial killer Peter Sutcliffe terrorized the area, murdering 13 women and attacking a further 10. 

Known as the Yorkshire Ripper, Sutcliffe was born in Bingley in 1946 and was known to have a morbid sense of humour when working as a gravedigger. 

As a teen, he developed an obsession with prostitutes and began watching them conduct business on the streets of Leeds.

In 1969, Sutcliffe's first assault was recorded, when hit a woman over the head with a stone in a sock leaving her injured.

Ilkley Gazette: The victims of the Yorkshire Ripper. (PA)The victims of the Yorkshire Ripper. (PA)

Although this was not yet publically known, he seemed to live a normal life, marrying Sonia Szurma in 1974.

The following year Sutcliffe got his licence as a heavy goods vehicle driver, which allowed him to travel a lot and for his obsession to grow. 

In 1975, the Ripper committed his second assault on 5 July in Keighley when he attacked Anna Rogulskyj, striking her with a ball-peen hammer and slashing her stomach with a knife. 

Rogulskyj survived but was left traumatized from the attack. 

Later that year in August, Olive Smelt was attacked in Halifax when she was hit with a hammer to the skull and slashed her lower back. 

Smelt also survived but suffered severe emotional and mental trauma.

Just a week after his assault on Smelt, Sutficllife attacked 14-year-old Tracy Browne in Silsden, hitting her in the head five times. 

On October 30 1975, Sutcliffe killed his first victim, mother of four Wilma McCann from Leeds. 

Stabbing her 15 times and hitting her over the head with a hammer just 150 yards from her family home. 

Ilkley Gazette: Police arresting Peter Sutcliffe. (PA)Police arresting Peter Sutcliffe. (PA)

In 1976 the Ripper committed his second murder in Leeds on 20 January 1976, when he stabbed 42-year-old Emily Jackson 52 times.

A few months later in May, he attacked 20-year-old Marcella Claxton in Roundhay Park when he hit her over the head with a hammer. 

Claxton survived and later testified against him in court. 

On 5 February 1977, Sutcliffe attacked Irene Richardson in Roundhay Park, killing her with a hammer.

In April of the same year, he killed Patricia "Tina" Atkinson, a prostitute from Bradford, in her flat.

Two months later he murdered 16-year-old Jayne MacDonald in Chapeltown and was known as the first "innocent victim" by police. 

In July he seriously assaulted Maureen Long in Bradford leaving her for dead until he was interrupted and fled. 

On 1 October 1977 Sutcliffe murdered Jean Jordan, a prostitute from Manchester, and revealed later he left her with a traceable £5 note. 

The £5 note helped police narrow down the search to 5,000 men including Sutcliffe but he was able to give a credible alibi. 

Ilkley Gazette: Peter Sutcliffe. (PA)Peter Sutcliffe. (PA)

On December 14, Marilyn Moore was attacked in Leeds but survived and was able to provide police with a description. 

In 1978 he murdered Yvonne Pearson, a 21-year-old prostitute from Bradford hitting her and jumping on her chest. 

Just ten days later he killed Helen Rytka in Huddersfield, stabbing and hitting her, she was found in railway arches in Garrards timber yard.

On 4 April 1979, Sutcliffe killed Josephine Whitaker, a 19-year-old building society clerk whom he attacked in Savile Park Moor in Halifax as she was walking home. 

In September Sutcliffe murdered 20-year-old Barabar Leach and Bradford University students, marking his 16th attack. 

In April 1980 he was arrested for drunk driving and while awaiting trial he killed two more women. 

They were 47-year-old Marguerite Walls on the night of 20 August 1980, and 20-year-old Jacqueline Hill, a student at Leeds University, on the night of 17 November 1980. 

He also attacked three more women who all survived: Uphadya Bandara in Leeds on 24 September 1980; Maureen Lea an art student attacked on the grounds of Leeds University on 25 October 1980; and 16-year-old Theresa Sykes, attacked in Huddersfield on the night of 5 November 1980.

On January 2 1981, Sutcliffe was stopped by police in Sheffield and found he had false number plates, he was arrested and transferred to Dewsbury Police Station. 

Ilkley Gazette: Police search. (PA)Police search. (PA)

During questioning, police asked questions relating to the Yorkshire Ripper case with many of Sutfcliffs physical characteristics matching the suspected killer. 

After two days of intensive questioning, on 4 Janaury 1981, Sutfciffe declared he was the killer and described his many attacks. 

The following day he was charged, during his trial Sutcliffe pleaded not guilty to thirteen charges of murder, but guilty to manslaughter on the grounds of diminished responsibility.

The trial lasted two weeks and Sutcliffe was found guilty of murder on all counts and sentenced to twenty sentences of life imprisonment. 

In 2010 the High Court issued Sutcliffe a whole life tariff and he died in prison in November 2020 from Coronavirus

When asked why he committed the crimes he said he was on a mission from God.

Yorkshire Ripper: The Secret Murders will be broadcast on ITV on Wednesday, February 23 and Thursday, February 24, both at 9pm.