PLANNING permission has been granted to demolish an Ilkley pub and replace it with a care home and retirement apartment block.

The applicants, KCS Developments, Greene King Brewing and Retailing Ltd, Willowbrook Healthcare Developments Ltd and McCarthy Stone Retirement Lifestyles Ltd, have successfully obtained permission from Bradford Council’s planning department to demolish The Generous Pioneer in Ilkley Road, Burley-in-Wharfedale, to make way for the development.

The 70-bed care home is a three-storey building and the 42 retirement apartments will be housed over two separate three-storey buildings. The development also includes 60 car parking spaces and landscaping.

The application had attracted 57 objections from residents, with just three comments made in support and whilst Burley Parish Council did not object to the principle of developing the brownfield site, it had recommended refusal of the application.

Jan Lepley, chair of Burley Parish Council said: "On 1st September when the Parish Council planning committee met and was first consulted on the Generous Pioneer proposals, we advised refusal.

"Fundamentally the Parish Council is not against new development on the site but are concerned that the two buildings proposed are too high, overbearing and inappropriate and not in keeping with their surroundings.

"At the planning meeting on the 8th November the Parish Council responded further to the planning proposal with a list of what we believe to be inaccuracies.

"These include information relating to the heights of the buildings and specifically to the claim that the buildings would not increase the population of the village.

"The Parish Council is aware that the Grange Park Surgery have not been consulted by the developer and the surgery strongly believe this development will impact on their ability to continue to provide the level of care it would like to, to the village."

Parish and district councillor Bob Felstead (Con, Wharfedale) said: "I’m extremely disappointed that Bradford Council approved the project given some very salient objections from the public, the Parish Council and I.

"At the time of the application, I raised a few key issues that were supported by the Parish Council and residents, all of which are on public record, namely:

• Over development on such a small site. I believe that only one of the buildings was suitable for a site of this size, not two.

• Too little green space, particularly around the care home. If COVID has taught us one thing, it’s the value of being able to get out and about and enjoy nature. Bradford Council have already stated that there’s too little green space in Burley.

• Growing infrastructure concerns that additional development brings.

• Too few parking spaces on the site, 28 spaces for 42 retirement apartments, which I and others believe will exacerbate parking issues in Burley.

• Lastly, the height of the care home, at 14.75 metres, is more than 3.5 metres higher than anything else in the village.

"As sad as it is to lose a thriving community pub, I would, however, support the redevelopment of brownfield, which is preferable to losing yet more green belt."

Cllr Felstead also raised concerns about the impact on healthcare provision.

He said: "A few weeks ago, amid growing village healthcare concerns, Philip Davies MP visited the GP Surgery to discuss the potential expansion of the surgery, which is essential to our community.

"Following Mr Davies’ visit, Burley Parish Council’s Chair, Jan Lepley, and others discussed the same issue with the GP surgery. Last week in support of our GP surgery, MP, and Parish Council, I raised the issue of a disconnect between development planning and infrastructure delivery with the Housing Minister (DLUHC), which is in urgent need of review.

"Many residents may be unaware that the GP surgery in Burley is already at capacity and is far too small to accommodate current demand, and that this situation cannot continue.

"An additional 642 homes planned for Burley, plus a care home will add significantly to that burden. The 70-bed care home alone, will require one doctor for three quarters of a day, added to the half day for the existing BUPA care home. The Parish Council, our MP and I will continue to collaborate with the GP surgery to work for a successful outcome. As a District Councillor I am acutely aware of issues that development causes and I will continue to push for getting the additional resources and infrastructure we need."