ADDINGHAM ward councillor Adrian Naylor has confirmed that he will be standing for re-election in the forthcoming May local elections.

Adrian, an independent councillor, has served the Craven Ward for over 15 years on Bradford Council and says he is passionate about his local community.

“I want to preserve our village as much as possible and to improve it for the benefit of our residents,” he said.

“I moved into the village in 1989 and I feel that the only way to represent a community is to be part of it and that means living in the ward not being an “absentee” councillor only seen at election time.

“The national parties think they can take people’s votes for granted and ‘parachute’ candidates in from elsewhere just before an election. This just doesn’t work. That is why I am also a parish councillor on Addingham Parish Council.

“I am currently working to challenge Bradford’s Emerging Local Plan which seeks to increase the number of houses by at least 175 by building on the Village’s precious Green belt; challenging the lack of planning for Secondary School places at Ilkley Grammar and developing Addingham’s Community library and the village archive.

“Following approaches from a number of residents it is clear that a local person who actually lives in the ward and is part of the community is what is needed not a candidate who is “parachuted” in and so I have decided to stand for re-election.”