A NEW £6 million acute assessment unit is planned at Airedale Hospital.

The unit – to be sited alongside the Steeton hospital’s emergency department – aims to cut waiting and treatment times for some patients and reduce unnecessary admissions.

Initial assessments would be carried out by medical or surgical teams. Patients could then be treated and discharged or admitted to an appropriate, specialist ward.

The so-called AAU would include an ambulatory care unit for people who don’t need formal admission but require urgent investigation and assessment.

There would be eight bays, each with five beds and ensuite facilities; eight single bedrooms, including two offering specialist care for patients with dementia or at the end of their life; a family room; general waiting area and reception. “Our acute services are key to the future development of the hospital for the benefit of the community,” said Lizzi Vooght, matron for urgent care at Airedale NHS Foundation Trust.

“Redesigning our acute and emergency care services is a key priority for all local health and social care partners.

“Our aim is to design a unit that allows us optimal management of seriously-ill patients throughout acute care systems to help reduce any impact on our non-emergency services.”

Most patients will enter the AAU via the neighbouring emergency department.

Dr Paul Jennings, the trust’s clinical director for emergency medicine, said: “It makes sense to have our emergency department and acute care services next door to each other.

“This will allow us to achieve greater resilience across our workforce by making the best use of a wide range of clinical skills through co-location.

“We need to create a sustainable model for urgent and emergency care going into the future.”

Some patients would be managed on the AAU, but ideally shouldn’t stay there for more than 72 hours.

Dr Franco Guarasci, clinical director for acute medicine, said the venture would provide massive benefits.

“We want to make sure that when patients come to Airedale’s acute assessment unit, they get the best possible care – promptly, in an environment that is fit for purpose,” he said.

“They will have rapid access to appropriate staff, who can make the right decisions quickly.

“It’s not just about simply having a new building. We are also changing the way we work and developing new systems and processes to improve our acute care service for the benefit of all our patients.”

The proposals will be on public display at the Hub in Stone Grove, Steeton, from 4.30pm to 6.30pm on Wednesday.

Representatives from the hospital and its construction partner, Integrated Health Projects, will be there to talk about the plans and answer questions.

A planning application will be submitted to Bradford Council next month and, if approved, work should start in the new year and finish winter 2017.

The project is scheduled for completion by the winter of next year.

The trust’s pathology department will also be extended as part of the scheme.