BURLEY and Woodhead Primary School is excited to be part of the international Oracle Raspberry Pi Weather Station project.

The school is one of 1,000 schools across the globe who have been given a free weather station kit, by the Raspberry pi Foundation, in order to build and commission a weather station with pupils.

Headteacher, Jo Siddall, said: "The school is going to use the weather station to undertake a range of exciting projects including computing, meteorology and geography, in a way that will engage pupils in the world around them. The children are very excited about the project."

The school is planning to use children's coding skills to gather data from the measurement instruments. The children will set up the weather station, create web pages to display local weather conditions and use a database to gather and analyse the data.

Along the way there will be lots of opportunity to discuss weather patterns, meteorology and climate, and share information with the local community.